Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I've Got a Stupid, Awesome Idea -- How Inspiration Ambushes You

(Picture found from I was going to do a joke about Miley Cyrus, but I decided no mortal should be forced to see that.)

It's 7:00 A. M. Your alarm just exploded all over your eardrums. You crack your eyes, glare at the clock, and wish you were still in La-La Ca-Ca Dreamland. But the cruel, twisted fates have other plans. Your job hungrily waits, ready to swallow you up when you walk through those doors, then digest you over the next eight to twelve hours and crap you back out again, having since absorbed your hopes and dreams for nutrients.

But on your way to your certain Doom, you look at the busy streets (or the sparse countryside), see the people (or cattle and crops), look at the sunrise and think, "Man, it's going to be alright. Today's gonna' be a good day."

Where was it hiding? You don't remember the exact moment when it jumped out and smashed you over the head with the Sledgehammer of Hope. But you know, despite the grueling, early-morning migraine, you'll thank it later. 'Cause Inspiration is your secret weapon. It not only gave you blunt force trauma with its Hopeful Hammer, it handed the whoopin' stick over to you so you can beat it into your friends, too.

Man, this turned out way more violent than I wanted it to.

Point is: think of inspiration like a guerrilla commando.

I can't explain it; it just happens. I'll have the worst day I've ever had, and then it hits me. I can see it in the horizon, feel it in the winds, and hear it in the waters. Even on the grayest day, certain things just click; they work together to give me an image, or a serenity I so desperately need. Subtle motions in the leaves, the swaying of grain. Doesn't matter.

Hell, most of my inspiration comes at a time when I'm in the shower, hot tub, or using the facilities. I realize this is more information than you really need, but it demonstrates my point. Inspiration comes from any and everywhere. In a way, it's the goddamn creepiest (yet friendliest) stalker you'll ever meet.

It doesn't just give us hope--ideas are a great gift, too!

You wouldn't believe how many stupid (or awesome) things I've cooked up just from looking out the window for two seconds. Especially after I wake up. When I'm reanimated every morning, I simply don't have the will to want to do anything. Even if I've had the most productive day of writing the previous day, I'll feel worthless.

But that clever bastard hits me at the weirdest moment, and then I've got a fire in my soul. The greatest thing is, past a certain point, you start to learn where it hides for you, specifically. And then you can ambush it.

Find where inspiration hides, and seek it out, yourself.

Give yourself that boost you deserve! Actively search for it! Trust me: it'll save you a lot of time!

Everyone deserves to be happy. That's my opinion, anyway. And everyone owes it to themselves to use their full effort and potential in everything they do. Unfortunately, it doesn't always come easily. Sometimes, we need a little extra push...

And a certain inspirational sledgehammer.


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WARNING: Do not actually force anything down said boss's throat. D. Logan, D. Logan Affiliates, and D. Logan, Inc. cannot be held responsible for any events that may incur upon these actions.

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