Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Large Pizza with Extra Brains

(Photo Courtesy of

HvZ (Humans vs Zombies) started up on my university's campus today, and it's an event that I hadn't tried before, so I thought what the hell, I'd give it a shot. I wasn't really wanting to play, actually. But the second I stepped outside of the safe building, oh my god. Nobody was after me, of course but all of a sudden it felt stupidly real. Giving every ambush point a wide berth so I wouldn't get nommed on the way to my car.

Because, if you think about it, these people are more dangerous than yer average zombie. Because they're still people. They can use judgment. And common sense.

So my friends and I had joked earlier about zombies ordering pizza as the perfect trap. But I got to thinking- there could be so many more trollish ways to get those tasty brains. Of course, it'd all have to be at the start of the outbreak, before anybody really knew what the hell was going on, but maybe a dude telling you to sign for a package, or a zombie moaning, "Uuuublisherrrrs Cleeeeeearing Ouuuuuuse." I don't know about you, but I'm stupid enough to fall for that if I really wanted the check. Have your friend come pick you up for the game and enjoy a to-go snack. So many possibilities!

What about you? Give me your zaniest ideas. I'm hungriest for the really clever ones!


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